10.128. pgstattuple

The pgstattuple module provides various functions to obtain tuple-level statistics.

Because these functions return detailed page-level information, access is restricted by default. By default, only the role pg_stat_scan_tables has EXECUTE privilege. Superusers of course bypass this restriction. After the extension has been installed, users may issue GRANT commands to change the privileges on the functions to allow others to execute them. However, it might be preferable to add those users to the pg_stat_scan_tables role instead.

10.128.1. Functions

  1. pgstattuple returns a relation’s physical length, percentage of dead tuples, and other info. This may help users to determine whether vacuum is necessary or not. The argument is the target relation’s name (optionally schema-qualified) or OID. For example:

    test=> SELECT * FROM pgstattuple('pg_catalog.pg_proc');
    -[ RECORD 1 ]------+-------
    table_len          | 458752
    tuple_count        | 1470
    tuple_len          | 438896
    tuple_percent      | 95.67
    dead_tuple_count   | 11
    dead_tuple_len     | 3157
    dead_tuple_percent | 0.69
    free_space         | 8932
    free_percent       | 1.95
       The output columns are described in pgstattuple-columns.

    pgstattuple Output Columns


    The table_len will always be greater than the sum of the tuple_len, dead_tuple_len and free_space. The difference is accounted for by fixed page overhead, the per-page table of pointers to tuples, and padding to ensure that tuples are correctly aligned.

    pgstattuple acquires only a read lock on the relation. So the results do not reflect an instantaneous snapshot; concurrent updates will affect them.

    pgstattuple judges a tuple is dead if HeapTupleSatisfiesDirty returns false.

  2. This is the same as pgstattuple(regclass), except that the target relation is specified as TEXT. This function is kept because of backward-compatibility so far, and will be deprecated in some future release.

  3. pgstatindex returns a record showing information about a B-tree index. For example:

    test=> SELECT * FROM pgstatindex('pg_cast_oid_index');
    -[ RECORD 1 ]------+------
    version            | 2
    tree_level         | 0
    index_size         | 16384
    root_block_no      | 1
    internal_pages     | 0
    leaf_pages         | 1
    empty_pages        | 0
    deleted_pages      | 0
    avg_leaf_density   | 54.27
    leaf_fragmentation | 0

    The output columns are:

    ColumnTypeDescriptio :widths: 10, 10, 10 **version****integer**B-tree version numbe **tree_level****integer**Tree level of the root pag **index_size****bigint**Total index size in byte **root_block_no****bigint**Location of root page (zero if none **internal_pages****bigint**Number of internal (upper-level) page **leaf_pages****bigint**Number of leaf page **empty_pages****bigint**Number of empty page **deleted_pages****bigint**Number of deleted page **avg_leaf_density****float8**Average density of leaf page **leaf_fragmentation****float8**Leaf page fragmentatio

    The reported index_size will normally correspond to one more page than is accounted for by internal_pages + leaf_pages + empty_pages + deleted_pages, because it also includes the index’s metapage.

    As with pgstattuple, the results are accumulated page-by-page, and should not be expected to represent an instantaneous snapshot of the whole index.

  4. This is the same as pgstatindex(regclass), except that the target index is specified as TEXT. This function is kept because of backward-compatibility so far, and will be deprecated in some future release.

  5. pgstatginindex returns a record showing information about a GIN index. For example:

    test=> SELECT * FROM pgstatginindex('test_gin_index');
    -[ RECORD 1 ]--+--
    version        | 1
    pending_pages  | 0
    pending_tuples | 0

    The output columns are:

    ColumnTypeDescriptio :widths: 10, 10, 10 **version****integer**GIN version numbe **pending_pages****integer**Number of pages in the pending lis **pending_tuples****bigint**Number of tuples in the pending lis

  6. pgstathashindex returns a record showing information about a HASH index. For example:

    test=> select * from pgstathashindex('con_hash_index');
    -[ RECORD 1 ]--+-----------------
    version        | 4
    bucket_pages   | 33081
    overflow_pages | 0
    bitmap_pages   | 1
    unused_pages   | 32455
    live_items     | 10204006
    dead_items     | 0
    free_percent   | 61.8005949100872

    The output columns are:

    ColumnTypeDescriptio :widths: 10, 10, 10 **version****integer**HASH version numbe **bucket_pages****bigint**Number of bucket page **overflow_pages****bigint**Number of overflow page **bitmap_pages****bigint**Number of bitmap page **unused_pages****bigint**Number of unused page **live_items****bigint**Number of live tuple **dead_tuples****bigint**Number of dead tuple **free_percent****float**Percentage of free spac

  7. pg_relpages returns the number of pages in the relation.

  8. This is the same as pg_relpages(regclass), except that the target relation is specified as TEXT. This function is kept because of backward-compatibility so far, and will be deprecated in some future release.

  9. pgstattuple_approx is a faster alternative to pgstattuple that returns approximate results. The argument is the target relation’s name or OID. For example:

    test=> SELECT * FROM pgstattuple_approx('pg_catalog.pg_proc'::regclass);
    -[ RECORD 1 ]--------+-------
    table_len            | 573440
    scanned_percent      | 2
    approx_tuple_count   | 2740
    approx_tuple_len     | 561210
    approx_tuple_percent | 97.87
    dead_tuple_count     | 0
    dead_tuple_len       | 0
    dead_tuple_percent   | 0
    approx_free_space    | 11996
    approx_free_percent  | 2.09
        The output columns are described in pgstatapprox-columns.

    Whereas pgstattuple always performs a full-table scan and returns an exact count of live and dead tuples (and their sizes) and free space, pgstattuple_approx tries to avoid the full-table scan and returns exact dead tuple statistics along with an approximation of the number and size of live tuples and free space.

    It does this by skipping pages that have only visible tuples according to the visibility map (if a page has the corresponding VM bit set, then it is assumed to contain no dead tuples). For such pages, it derives the free space value from the free space map, and assumes that the rest of the space on the page is taken up by live tuples.

    For pages that cannot be skipped, it scans each tuple, recording its presence and size in the appropriate counters, and adding up the free space on the page. At the end, it estimates the total number of live tuples based on the number of pages and tuples scanned (in the same way that VACUUM estimates pg_class.reltuples).

    pgstattuple_approx Output Columns

    In the above output, the free space figures may not match the pgstattuple output exactly, because the free space map gives us an exact figure, but is not guaranteed to be accurate to the byte.

10.128.2. Authors

Tatsuo Ishii, Satoshi Nagayasu and Abhijit Menon-Sen